For your convenience we list here all the regular activities at St. Andrews
More information can be obtained from the church office. Telephone 01325 468142 on a morning or email
Sunday worship. Every Sunday at 10:00am, in a variety of forms, the main worship of the week.
TeaTime church. On the first Sunday at 4:00pm in the church hall. Especially for families.
Holy Baptism. Usually on a Sunday at 12noon, but each one arranged individually.
Holy Matrimony. Usually on a Saturday but each one arranged individually.
Mid Week Communion. On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 9:30am. An informal service in church.
CAP Prayers. On the 4th. Tuesday, 7:30 in the church hall, to pray for the work of CAP.
Home Communion. Church Members take Communion to the housebound each month on request.
Occasional services. These occur from time to time. The main ones include Good Friday meditation, St.Andrew's Day in November and Christingle services at Christmas.
Occasional services of Comemoration for the bereaved. Normaly twice a year at about 4:00 or 5:00pm.
Services on-line. Whenever possible we try to transmit the Sunday Morning service live on-line on You-Tube. if you go to You-tube and look for "st andrews church haughton le skerne" you should find it.
Church Office. Open Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 12:30pm, for all administrative enquiries.
Crafts at Andrew's. Every Monday in term-time at 1:00pm in the Church Hall.
Coffee, Cake and Contemplation. On the 3rd Tuesday, 1:00-3:00pm in the Church Hall.
Cooking4Life. Wednesdays in term time, 9:00am to 12:30pm. To learn practical life skills in the Church Hall.
Alpha Course. On a Wednesday Evening at 7:00pm in the Summer & Autumn terms, in the Church Hall.
Food Bank distribution. On a Thursday. 1:30 to 2:30pm, for distribution of free food to needy families, in the Church Hall.
Coffee Morning. On the 3rd Saturday of the month, 10:00 until 11:30am. Raises money for good causes. In the Church Hall.
Missional Group. This is a fairly new group to explore ways of reaching out and to support the newly formed Tea Time Church.
Prayer Ministry. We offer a ministry of Prayer at the end of the Communion Services, normally on the 2nd & 4th Sundays.
Bereavement Journey Course. A seven week course for those who have been bereaved.
What'sApp Groups. We have a number of What'sApp groups that you can join. These include one for the church in general to exchange news and happenings and one for folks who go to Spring Harvest at Easter at Skegness.
Parish Website. The Website can be found at and is designed to share information about the church and its activities.
Prayer Chain. A group of people who pray for those in need, when requested. Prayer needs can also be shared via a WhatsApp Group.
Parish Facebook and YouTube Pages. Another means of sharing information about the church using Social Media.
MenMeet. An occasional meeting for men, from time to time.
Spring Harvest. A Group normally attends the Spring Harvest event each Easter at Skegness.
Uniformed organisations. The Scouts & Guides are losely connected to St.Andrews. The Scouts have a Hall behind the Church Hall and meet on a Friday evening. The Guides meet in the Church Hall on a Thursday evening.
Bible Study. Bible Study groups are arranged from time to time, e.g. in Lent.
CAP help. St. Andrew's sponsors the Darlington Christian Against Poverty group giving practical help to those in Debt. Members of the congregation visit clients with the leader, Cindy.
Occasional Social Events. E.g. Burns Supper in January, Agape Supper and service on Maundy Thursday, Harvest Supper in October, St.Andrews Fish & Chip Supper in November, Christmas Fayre in November, and Christmas Tea in December.